Field, Marshall, 1834-1906
Conant, Samuel Dimick, 1851-1936
5 letters and 2 telegrams from Marshall Field to attorney Samuel D. Conant regarding incorporation of the Field Memorial Library in Conway and related business of creating trust and endowment.
1) Marshall Field to Samuel Conant, June 26, [1901]: 2-page handwritten letter re trust and tax status for Field Memorial Library. Encloses typed copy of letter from C. S. Tuckerman, Old Colony Trust Company to Marshall Field, June 15, 1901, in which author agrees to act as trustee and offers advice on tax concerns.
2) Marshall Field to Samuel Conant, June 29, 1901: 1-page handwritten telegram to set up meeting time.
3) Marshall Field to Samuel Conant, July 1, 1901: 1-page handwritten telegram to confirm meeting time.
4) Marshall Field to Samuel Conant, July 5, 1901: 3-page handwritten letter re library trust, dedication of library on July 13th, and Field's upcoming travels. Envelope attached.
5) Marshall Field to Samuel Conant, Sept. 4, [1901]: 4-page handwritten letter re naming trustees for library and asking Conant to research how other similar libraries have been incorporated. [Note: letter may be from 1899 or 1900]
6) Marshall Field to Samuel Conant, Sept. 13, [1901]: 2-page partial handwritten letter (page 2 torn and other page[s] missing) re library bylaws and how other libraries have been incorporated. [Note: letter may be from 1899 or 1900]
7) Marshall Field to Samuel Conant, Sept. 16, [1901]: 2-page handwritten letter re upcoming meeting in Northampton, Mass. [Note: letter may be from 1899 or 1900]