Conway Historical Society, located in the hills of western Massachusetts, is an all volunteer organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the historical materials and cultural heritage of our corner of New England.

What's New?


As the year comes to a close, please begin or renew your membership. Our fees have remained the same ($10 for individuals and $18 for families) for many years now (take that inflation!). Also, please consider making an additional gift. The Society is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization and is not funded by the town. Our officers and board members are unpaid volunteers. We rely on the generosity of our members and are grateful for your support.

You can send a check to the P.O. Box
listed on the bottom of this page.
Best holiday wishes!
Stay safe and well.

Become a Member!

Conway Historical Society logo

Please consider joining the Conway Historical Society. Annual membership dues are $10 for individuals and $18 for families.