Conway Historical Society, located in the hills of western Massachusetts, is an all volunteer organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the historical materials and cultural heritage of our corner of New England.

What's New?


on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 7:30 p.m.
The Conway Historical Society presents:

Marshal Field and the Gilded Age

Local historian David Barten will
give a talk on Conway native
Marshall Field, who grew up
on a farm in Conway.
After moving to Chicago,
he went on to make a fortune
in the retail and wholesale business,
eventually becoming one of
America's wealthiest businessmen.
David's talk will situate Field
among his robber baron peers
of the Gilded Age.

50 Main Street, Conway, MA
All are Welcome.
Refreshments will be served.

Become a Member!

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Please consider joining the Conway Historical Society. Annual membership dues are $10 for individuals and $18 for families.