Rev. Samuel Allis, "Forty Years among the Indians and on the Eastern Borders of Nebraska"
Allis, Samuel, 1805-1883
Native Americans & frontiersmen--1830s-1870s
33 page article written by Samuel Allis and published in Transactions and Reports of the Nebraska Historical Society, Vol II (Lincoln, Nebraska, 1887):, 133-166. Allis describes his Conway, Mass. upbringing and his subsequent travels west with his young family, living in frontier territory among the Indian nations.
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Includes 3 pages of Harriet Anderson's (Great Granddaughter of Samuel Allis) handwritten notes re the Allis family, attached to a letter from Catherine Larson, Local History Specialist, Kalamazoo Public Library to Harriet Anderson, Feb. 10, 1989, re census information on William Allis and family. Also includes Harriet Anderson to Field Memorial Library, Jan. 10, 1996, re provenance of copy of book she donated.
Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Nebraska
State Journal Company, Printers, Lincoln, Nebraska
Gift of Harriet Anderson (Great Granddaughter of Samuel Allis).
Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Nebraska, “Rev. Samuel Allis, "Forty Years among the Indians and on the Eastern Borders of Nebraska",” Conway Historical Society, accessed March 15, 2025, https://conwaymasshistory.org/items/show/936.