Written materials, most slated for a bicentennial booklet, include:
1-page typed letter from Aili Clapp to "Larry" [probably Laurier Fortier], nd, re first aid stations to be listed in bicentennial booklet.
Notes (3 pages) transcribed by Josephine Starr, March 9, 1967 of research by Edith Anderson of Colrain on early Conway settlers.
1 page of notes on first tennis court in Conway.
15 pages of typed and handwritten drafts for bicentennial booklet about Conway "Living Legends," including George and Solomon Pease, Ernest Staelens, Ray Forgette, Joseph Cummings, Georgianna Gorman; and "Living Legend" memories about the "Ripper Ride" sled run down Poland Road; LaGoy's spruce lumber mill; the Mt. Owen lumber camp operated by David Long and Jack Chesbro; Dr. Mary Anna Wheeler who summered in the Harrison place in Poland District; a news story about "chasing Gypsies out of town;" the Indian name for the Mill River (Capawonk); the "Happy Jack" baseball team coached by Jack Chesbro; trolley rides; the Conway Band; Conway clam bakes; and Elizabeth Kopena's tenure teaching at the Broomshire School.
A 3-page typed story, "A Winter Tale," by Jan Robinson.
1 page of typed "Little Known Facts about Wildlife."
Short histories written by school students, including a 2-page handwritten history of the Methodist Church; a 1-page handwritten history of the St. Mark's Catholic Church, a 1-page handwritten history of cemeteries in Conway; and a 1-page history of farming in Conway.
2 typed copies of Jane Yolen's 1-page poem, "Going Out Poland Gate."
Typed entries (11 pages) for bicentennial booklet on "Burial Places," "The Farmer's Register," "Noteworthy Incidents," "The Deerfield Gun," "Shays Rebellion," the "Social Library," the "Conway Band," and "Churches."