Conway Electric Street Railway Company Committee Report and Stock Proposal to the Stockholders of the Company, 1903
Conway Electric Street Railway--Mass.--Conway
Packard, John B., 1837-1921
Laidley, John B., 1858-1910
Delabarre, Arthur P., 1857-1927
4-page printed report on glossy 17" x 11" paper, folded, to shareholders updating them on business plans and finances and asking them to take immediate action in purchasing subscriptions to the capital stock of the company. Includes itemized statement of receipts and expenses from 1895-1900 and graphs showing (for those same years) per cent gain in receipts, per cent gain in passengers and per cent decrease each year in expense relative to income. Signed (printed signatures) by committee: John B. Packard, John B. Laidley, Arthur P. Delabarre. 2 copies; one with crease marks and tear on page 4; one with glued paper fragments on page 1.
A printed subscription form, 8 1/2" x 4", for purchasing shares is attached.
Conway Electric Street Railway Company, Conway, Mass.
Donated by Richard G. Hassell (1909-1989) to the Field Memorial Library, 1956.
Conway Electric Street Railway Company, Conway, Mass., “Conway Electric Street Railway Company Committee Report and Stock Proposal to the Stockholders of the Company, 1903,” Conway Historical Society, accessed March 17, 2025, https://conwaymasshistory.org/items/show/1147.