Hillard, Julia Wittlesey, 1835-1899
MacLeish, Archibald, 1892-1982
20-page handwritten letter signed, from Julia Hillard to a Miss Guilford, July 17th, 1892.
The letter is a continuation of a long correspondence, touching on many things concerning family, acquaintances, children, religious activities and other subjects.
Julia is 57 at this time and refers to caring for her 84 year old mother. Her husband is apparently a member of the clergy.
This letter was sent to Librarian Ruby Roberts by Archibald MacLeish for donation to the Field Memorial Library.
Julia Hillard was MacLeish's Grandmother, and she is writing to her old Teacher, Miss Guilford.
Includes handwritten 1-page note from Archibald MacLeish to Ruby Roberts, August 9, 1976 in which he explains that he used the Hillard letter "as text for my little 'sermon' of August 8, 1976."