6" x 4" color snapshop taken by Michael Haley in 1993 of various Baptist Hill residents.
Back row L to R:
Christopher Munson, Jim Hardigg, Howard Munson, George Forcier, Efrem Marder, Fred Kreitner, Gary Powsner, Janice Kreitner, George & Kathryn Butler, Al Barten, Jack Harrison, Peter Engelman, Hazel Crowley (on pony).
Middle row:
Patricia Vinchesi, Mathew and Ian Munson, Erin Fitzgibbons, Daniel Fitzgibbons, Polly Caron, Peter Zale, Laurie Marder, Laurie Smith, Laurie Block, Linda Barten, Kendall Clark, Ven and Ernie(?), KC Forcier, Nora Zale, Ellen Zale, Ann Forcier
Front Row:
Gary Caron, Tyler Caron, Jonah Powsner, Zoe Crowley, John Crowley, Mary Irwin, John Harrison, Margaret Berry
In Front:
Lindsay Caron, Jeffery Forcier, Alec Zale, Maggie Forcier, Sarah Fitzgibbons