Packard Family Correspondence


Packard Family Correspondence


Packard, Bradley, 1808-1881
Packard, John B., 1837-1921
Packard, Azel A., 1849-1923
Howes, Elvira Elizabeth Packard, 1839-1893
Brown, Addison, 1834-1915
Hunt, Rev. Eugene F., 1854-?
Parker, Harriet Augusta Newton, 1862-1927
Childs, Ellen M., 1840-?
Barney, Edward B., 1860-?


1) Azel A. Packard to John B. Packard, Nov. 26, 1882, 1-page handwritten letter, written from Springfield, Mass., regarding Thanksgiving plans and family news.

2) [Bela A. Gridley] to "Mr. Packard," Aug. 29, [1866], 2-page handwritten letter, asking if he can help procure ribbon for the making of a dress. (Faded and water stained).

3) [Elvira Elizabeth Packard Howes] to Azel A. Packard, March 19 [no year], 2-page handwritten letter, written from Conway, regarding plans for Azel to meet John at the Broomshire Ferry to pick up some sugar (from maple sugaring). (Foxing, stains, faded ink, small holes).

4) Addison Brown to John B. Packard, nd, 1-page handwritten note specifying measurements for lumber. (Some foxing).

5) Ruth ? to Hattie [Harriet] A. Newton, nd, 1-page handwritten note, asking her to "go up the hill" by the "Rice's with me after some May Flowers this afternoon." (Faded, stained, torn at top).

6) [Myrna F. Campbell] to Azel A. Packard, July 26, 1866, 2-page handwritten letter, written from Conway, requesting that he procure three hand-stitched handkerchiefs for her to give George. (Faded ink, some foxing).

7) Eugene F. Hunt to John B. Packard, [1897], 1-page handwritten letter, asking him to come to a meeting at the parsonage on June 5th.

8) Azel A. Packard to John B. Packard, nd, 2-page handwritten letter, written from Alstead, NH, regarding his travels on way to mountains for four days and family news. (Small tear at bottom).

9) [Name illegible] to John B. Packard, May 11, 1883, 1-page handwritten letter, written from Hatfield, Mass., enclosing payment of $876.64 for "tobacco." Torn at signature line, stained).

10) Mary ? to Hattie [Harriet A. Newton (Parker)], March 25, 1884, 4-page handwritten letter, written from South Hadley Falls, Mass., regarding various family and social news, her headaches, her piano practice, sewing projects, death of Mrs. Tremblay, and horse ride in the mud. (Discolored by mildew, small holes, faded ink).

11) Dr. J. A. Lawrence to Hattie (Harriet) A. Newton (Parker), June 20, 1884, 1-page handwritten letter, written from Brooklyn, NY, enclosing information she had requested for the cure of catarrh. He will send her a trial box of the medicine for $2. The 1882 enclosure is an 8-page printed brochure for "Le Grande's Arabian Catarrh Remedy." (Letter is torn on fold lines and discolored; brochure is water-stained and discolored).

12) Elvira [Elizabeth Packard Howes] to [Azel A. Packard], nd, 4-page handwritten letter, possibly missing 1st page(s), regarding his absence from home, his homesickness, his experience away working or training, and family news. (Severely stained and smudged on page 4).

13) [Ellen] M. Childs to ?, nd, 4-page handwritten letter, possibly missing 1st page(s), regarding recipient's education and experience away from home. (staining and discoloration; much of 1st page is illegible).

14) Elvira [Elizabeth Packard Howes] to Azel A. Packard, nd, 1-page handwritten letter, regarding A. D. Mathews wife [Matilda?] and daughter. (Mildew and water stains).

15) [name illegible] to [John B.] Packard, Sept. 5, 187[6], 1-page handwritten letter, written from Springfield, Mass., regarding terms of pending trade, possibly involving tobacco crop. (Severe mildew stains).

16) Edward B. Barney to "Uncle & Aunt," Dec. 12, 1883, 2-page handwritten letter, written from South Hadley Falls, Mass., inviting them to his wedding in Ware on Jan. 1, 1884. (Severe mildew stains, some tearing).

17) L. D. Lyman & Son to John B. Packard, Oct. 9, 1882, 4-page handwritten letter, written from Easthampton, Mass., regarding various livestock prices and availability.

18) "Cousin Fred" to Hattie (Harriet) [A. Newton (Parker)], April 11, 1884, 4-page handwritten letter, written in Athol, Mass., regarding her "sack" sent to be worked on, their new home in Athol, a recent fire in Athol, and other family news. (Foxing and slight tearing on creases).




Gift of Carl Vigeland (1947- )




CHS. Fair use.








Conway, Mass.




Various, “Packard Family Correspondence,” Conway Historical Society, accessed March 15, 2025,