Daily Record of Illness of Raymond C. Bush
Bush, Raymond Clifford, 1899-1966
Bush, Mary E. Ogrady, 1889-1924
Boeh, Louis Stanley, 1906-1987
Daily record kept by Mary Bush of her husband's illness in 1936. He took ill with a high fever in December 1935 after caring for a cow that had aborted. Dr. Boeh was called on December 22, 1935. Includes 17 printed calendar (weekly) pages with handwritten notations of temperature, taken 5 to 7 times a day, transfusions and medications. Covers January to April, 1936. Appended are 9 reports from the Bacteriological Laboratory in Boston, sent to Dr. Boeh in Conway, ruling out several diseases and providing positive result for undulant fever (brucellosis). Also includes 1 page handwritten directions for taking various medications to treat influenza. More information on Bush family in the accession file.
Mary E. Bush (1889-1924)
Dr. Louis S. Boeh (1906-1987)
Mass. Department of Public Health, Division of Communicable Diseases, Bacteriological Laboratory, Boston, Mass.
Gift of Susan and Tom McCarthy, Conway, Mass.
Mary E. Bush (1889-1924)
Dr. Louis S. Boeh (1906-1987)
Mass. Department of Public Health, Division of Communicable Diseases, Bacteriological Laboratory, Boston, Mass., “Daily Record of Illness of Raymond C. Bush,” Conway Historical Society, accessed March 13, 2025, https://conwaymasshistory.org/items/show/498.