Land Conveyance of Two Lots in Foxcroft, Maine, from Hassell and Delabarre Family Members in Conway, Mass. to Augustus F. Chandler of Foxcroft, Maine
Chandler, Augustus Franklin, 1837-1888
Chandler, Harriet Emma Hassell, 1845-1888
Hassell, Martha A., 1834-1898
Hassell, Gilman Parker, 1830-1897
Hassell, George A. 1844-1935
Delabarre, Maria L. Hassell, 1832-1918
Anderson, Sarah Hassell, 1829-1907
Hassell, Joseph E., 1836-1904
Gibson, Phoebe Hassell, 1838-1929
Warren, Alanson Mellon, 1838-1923
Handwritten and signed land conveyance (quitclaim deed) on 8 1/2" x 27 1/2' paper, folded. The document grants Augustus Chandler of Foxcroft, Maine, for a consideration of $1, two parcels of land in Foxcroft that had been heired to Martha Hassell, Gilman Hassell, George Hassell, Maria Hassell Delabarre, Sarah Hassell Anderson, Joseph Hassell, and Phoebe Hassell Gibson under the estate of the recently deceased Harriet Chandler of Foxcroft. The document is signed by Maria Delabarre and Martha Hassell in the presence of Alanson M. Warren, Justice of the Peace. Includes torn envelope from the Register of Deeds, Dover, Maine.
Alanson M. Warren (1838-1923)
Gift of Bryan Delabarre.
Dover-Foxcroft, Maine
Piscataquis County, Maine
Conway, Mass.
Alanson M. Warren (1838-1923), “Land Conveyance of Two Lots in Foxcroft, Maine, from Hassell and Delabarre Family Members in Conway, Mass. to Augustus F. Chandler of Foxcroft, Maine,” Conway Historical Society, accessed March 13, 2025, https://conwaymasshistory.org/items/show/1351.