Conway Electric Street Railway Company Committee to the Stockholders of the Company, July 1, 1903
Conway Electric Street Railway--Mass.--Conway
Packard, John B., 1837-1921
Laidley, John B., 1858-1910
Delabarre, Arthur P., 1857-1927
2-page typed copy, 8 1/2" x 11", of a letter to shareholders informing them of plan to purchase the property of the Conway Electric Light and Power Company and "to extend the road from its present terminus at South River Station to Greenfield, a distance of six and one-fourth miles." The letter outlines appraisal values, cost estimates, and funding sources, including commitments of stock and bond subscriptions. Signed (typed signatures) of committee: John B. Packard, John B. Laidley, Arthur P. Delabarre.
Conway Electric Street Railway Company, Conway, Mass.
Donated by Richard G. Hassell (1909-1989) to the Field Memorial Library, 1956.
Conway Electric Street Railway Company, Conway, Mass., “Conway Electric Street Railway Company Committee to the Stockholders of the Company, July 1, 1903,” Conway Historical Society, accessed March 16, 2025, https://conwaymasshistory.org/items/show/1145.