Conway Electric Street Railway Company Bond Proposals, 1895
Conway Electric Street Railway--Mass.--Conway
3-page printed leaflet, 8 1/2" x 11" paper folded, seeking "Proposals For all or any part of an issue of $25,000 First Mortgage 6 Per Cent. Gold Bonds of the Conway Electric Street Railway Company of Conway, Mass." Includes short organizational history and description of railroad, information on bond offering, and list of trustees for the bond holders. Signed (printed names) by Carlos Batchelder, President, and E. T. Cook, Treasurer.
Conway Electric Street Railway Company, Conway, Mass.
Donated by Richard G. Hassell (1909-1989) to the Field Memorial Library, 1956.
Conway Electric Street Railway Company, Conway, Mass., “Conway Electric Street Railway Company Bond Proposals, 1895,” Conway Historical Society, accessed March 15, 2025, https://conwaymasshistory.org/items/show/1140.