Stenographic Record of hearing held before the Public Service Commission of Massachusetts on Petition 2337 "of residents of Conway and Ashfield relative to restoration of freight and passenger service by the Conway Electric Street Railway Company," January 28, 1919, Boston, Mass.
Conway Electric Street Railway--Mass.--Conway
64-page typed copy with ribbon-bound paper cover; a stenographic record of the public hearing. The petitioners were protesting the Boston & Maine Railroad's decision to discontinue service on the Conway Electric Street Railway. Appearances by: Woodward Hudson, president of Boston & Maine Railroad; A. J. Patterson, chairman of the Conway Board of Selectmen; Claude Church, selectman of Ashfield; Frederick W. Conant, of Conant & Donelson Tap & Die of Conway, who describes business, industry and transportation in Conway; Edward Affhauser, coal merchant of Conway; and Arthur P. Delabarre of Conway. Discussion includes detailed history of the Electric Street Railway and and the Electric Light and Power Company, the dam and power plant, passenger and freight revenue, expenses, maintenance issues, stock ownership of the company by the Fitchburg Railway and the Boston & Maine Railway, and timber rights to the land owned by the railway.
This copy was issued to Charles F. DeWolfe.
Public Service Commission of Massachusetts, Boston, Mass.
Edgecomb, Sheehan & Whitehill, Stenographers, Boston, Mass.
Donated by Richard G. Hassell (1909-19890 to the Field Memorial Library, 1956.
Conway, Mass.
Ashfield, Mass.
Boston, Mass.
Public Service Commission of Massachusetts, Boston, Mass., “Stenographic Record of hearing held before the Public Service Commission of Massachusetts on Petition 2337 "of residents of Conway and Ashfield relative to restoration of freight and passenger service by the Conway Electric Street Railway Company," January 28, 1919, Boston, Mass.,” Conway Historical Society, accessed March 14, 2025, https://conwaymasshistory.org/items/show/1122.