Land Conveyance from Mary S. Dickinson to Alice C. Bartlett
Dickinson, Mary S. Marsh, 1824-1915
Bartlett, Alice C.lara Dickinson, 1847-1926
2-page conveyance (typed; legal size) for land transaction between Mary Dickinson and Alice Bartlett: a tract of land on the south side of Main Street for "consideration of One Dollar." Reserves home on property for herself and right to occupy barn for Fred D. Burnett. Mary Dickinson received title under will of late husband, Thomas S. Dickinson. Signed by John D. Bouker, register.
Mary S. Marsh Dickinson (1824-1915)
Mary S. Marsh Dickinson (1824-1915), “Land Conveyance from Mary S. Dickinson to Alice C. Bartlett,” Conway Historical Society, accessed March 14, 2025, https://conwaymasshistory.org/items/show/1090.